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Welcome on : learn-french-easily

-Chapter 3: Talk to someone.

Welcome to Chapter 3 of this chapter, we will learn to talk to someone, it is nice, nasty, beautiful, ugly, ect ...

Our first exercise is to test your knowledge, I dictate 4 words in French, and you must tell me what it is, i translate the word in English without cheating of course !

(Maison = House) are we going?


FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:48:10

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:49:15
1.Yes ; 2.Yes ; 3.Yes ; 4.Yes ; 5.Yes ; 6.Yes ; 7.Yes ; 8.No 9.Yes

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:51:59
Quel est ton nom ? Quel est ton âge ? Quel est ton adresse ?

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:51:59
Quel est ton nom ? Quel est ton âge ? Quel est ton adresse ?

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:51:59
Quel est ton nom ? Quel est ton âge ? Quel est ton adresse ?

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:54:30
Gentil= Nice

FrenchIsCool - 2011-07-22 22:55:47


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_________________I hear and I understand!____________________

You will learn the key words for a character, the word is necessarily an adjective!

Take the word "great" for example, you know for sure that the word "great" means those he wants to say in French, is more difficult (for you)!

I'll make a "small dictionary" of adjectives in French, with translations next:

grand = Large
petit = Small
gros = Big
maigre = Thin
gentil = Nice
méchant = Bad
beau = Beautiful
laid = Ugly
actif = Active
inactif = Idle

Here is the "small dico" words to use to tell if it is REALLY / VERY LOW:

très = Very
énormément = Very much
a la folie = A madness
passionnément = Passionately
beaucoup = Many
vraiment = Really
souvent = Often
moyennement = Moderately
peut-être = Little-being
rarement = Rarely
jamais = Never
peu = little
très peu = Very little